Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Musings.. at the wrong time.

Writing this post is the last thing I should be doing right now - I'm working on a strategy report that is due soon, I have a team meeting coming up in a couple of hours, I'm behind schedule on my job applications... etc. etc.

But then I came across this poem, and I just had to share it with you.

Moments by Jorge Luis Borges 

If I could live again my life,
In the next - I’ll try,
- to make more mistakes,
I won’t try to be so perfect,
I’ll be more relaxed,
I’ll be more full - than I am now,
In fact, I’ll take fewer things seriously,
I’ll be less hygienic,
I’ll take more risks,
I’ll take more trips,
I’ll watch more sunsets,
I’ll climb more mountains,
I’ll swim more rivers,
I’ll go to more places - I’ve never been,
I’ll eat more ice creams and less (lime) beans,
I’ll have more real problems - and less imaginary ones,
I was one of those people who live
prudent and prolific lives -
each minute of his life,
Of course that I had moments of joy - but,
if I could go back I’ll try to have only good moments,

If you don’t know – that’s what life is made of,
Don’t lose the now!

I was one of those who never goes anywhere
without a thermometer,
without a hot-water bottle,
and without an umbrella and without a parachute,

If I could live again - I will travel light,
If I could live again - I’ll try to work bare feet
at the beginning of spring till the end of autumn,
I’ll ride more carts,
I’ll watch more sunrises and play with more children,
If I have the life to live - but now I am 85,

- and I know that I am dying …  

(To read the original version in Spanish, click here.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude, his sentiments are, no doubt, appealing when we are under a mountain of work or at any other tiresome fork in the road ... :)