If you could choose the worst time to graduate in recent history, now would be it! With the current economic scenario, MBA grads are also quite severely affected. Across the board, there are fewer jobs, lower salaries and delayed opportunities. And since investment banking as an industry has literally disappeared, many would-be financial whizzes are left feeling blank and cheated.
But all's not gloom. At least not yet! Most of us are still hopeful of finding that one right opportunity and still manage to find cheer in gloom.
Like my friend who, after receiving a verbal offer, called the hiring manager after a few weeks and learnt that the manager herself had lost her job! Or my favorite so far... a friend had a job offer rescinded (which is unfortunate, but since the same happened to me, I'm allowed to make jokes about it!). The job was with a major retail chain, and one morning the HR person calls and gives the bad news with the reason being (and I'm quoting literally) "it's not you, it's us". Jeez, we just got dumped my corporate America!!
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mayhaps, a doctorate is the solution?? ;)
They say “We are trying to keep things very lean.”.... ;-)
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